Assembléia Legislativa do Rio de Janeiro concede Medalha Tiradentes a Olavo de Carvalho. Aqui.

domingo, 2 de novembro de 2008

Obama Says He Didn’t Know Aunt’s Illegal Status - WTF!?


If Barack Obama’s Auntie is illegal, what are the chances that Barack Obama wasn’t born inside the United States?  According the the State of Hawaii not very good.  So what does all this say about the man who wants to be the leader of the United States?  Not a whole hell of a lot.  At least not a lot to be proud of.  How do you arrive at the position of a being a Presidential Candidate and not know your own family is inside the United States as a illegal alien?  Answer- YOU DON’T!

So let me get this straight…  Obama didn’t know his aunt was living here illegally?  He didn’t know Wright engaged in Black Theology?  He didn’t know Bill Ayers had been, or is,  a terrorist?   He didn’t know Rezko was a shady, crooked con man?  He didn’t know Khalidi was a PLO spokesman and he was totally clueless that ACORN has engaged in any voter fraud?  And the American people put this guy up as a Presidential Candidate why?  It’s blatantly obvious that Barack Obama is barely conscious to anything going on around him.

Tune In

Phillip J. Berg is on to something with the lawsuits that the mainstream media has ignored over the past weeks calling him a nut-job and a fruit cake.  The fact is that Phillip is a martyr to his country.  He has become the sacred cow that the powers that be want to slaughter to hide and conceal the facts about Obama.  Little did the mainstream media know that they had stumbled upon the very evidence that would prove that Obama is not the man that the Patriot Brigade Talk Radio Network has been screaming about for months now.   And now we see that Barack H. Obama is declining in the polls and is on the defensive about his own family who he claims he didn’t know was a illegal alien.  I CALL BULLS***!

  1. We were the first to scream that he was a Socialist / Marxist.  We got beat up for that.
  2. We were the first to scream to the public that Obama wasn’t a citizen of this country. - We got beat up for that.
  3. We were the ones who stood our ground while people complained that we were extremist because we opposed the points of view of others more conservative that ourselves.  Bring it on!

From Fox News - CHICAGO — Barack Obama says he did not know that one of his relatives from Kenya was living in the United States illegally and believes the appropriate laws should be followed.

The Associated Press found that Obama’s aunt had been instructed to leave the country four years ago by an immigration judge who rejected her request for asylum from her native Kenya.

The woman, Zeituni Onyango is living in public housing in Boston and is the half-sister of Obama’s late father .A statement given to the AP by Obama’s campaign Saturday says, “Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws be followed.”

Onyango, 56, referred to as “Aunti Zeituni” in Obama’s memoir, was instructed to leave the United States by a U.S. immigration judge who denied her asylum request, a person familiar with the matter told the AP late Friday. This person spoke on condition of anonymity because no one was authorized to discuss Onyango’s case.

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A teoria marxista da “ideologia de classe” não tem pé nem cabeça. Ou a ideologia do sujeito traduz necessariamente os interesses da classe a que ele pertence, ou ele está livre para tornar-se advogado de alguma outra classe. Na primeira hipótese, jamais surgiria um comunista entre os burgueses e Karl Marx jamais teria sido Karl Marx. Na segunda, não há vínculo entre a ideologia e a condição social do indivíduo e não há portanto ideologia de classe: há apenas a ideologia pessoal que cada um atribui à classe com que simpatiza, construindo depois, por mera inversão dessa fantasia, a suposta ideologia da classe adversária. Uma teoria que pode ser demolida em sete linhas não vale cinco, mas com base nela já se matou tanta gente, já se destruiu tanto patrimônio da humanidade e sobretudo já se gastou tanto dinheiro em subsídios universitários, que é preciso continuar a fingir que se acredita nela, para não admitir o vexame. Olavo de Carvalho, íntegra aqui.
"Para conseguir sua maturidade o homem necessita de um certo equilíbrio entre estas três coisas: talento, educação e experiência." (De civ Dei 11,25)
Cuidado com seus pensamentos: eles se transformam em palavras. Cuidado com suas palavras: elas se transformam em ação. Cuidado com suas ações: elas se transformam em hábitos. Cuidado com seus atos: eles moldam seu caráter.
Cuidado com seu caráter: ele controla seu destino.
A perversão da retórica, que falseia a lógica e os fatos para vencer o adversário em luta desleal, denomina-se erística. Se a retórica apenas simplifica e embeleza os argumentos para torná-los atraentes, a erística vai além: embeleza com falsos atrativos a falta de argumentos.
‎"O que me leva ao conservadorismo é a pesquisa e a investigação da realidade. Como eu não gosto de futebol, não gosto de pagode, não gosto de axé music, não gosto de carnaval, não fumo maconha e considero o PT ilegal, posso dizer que não me considero brasileiro - ao contrário da maioria desses estúpidos que conheço, que afirma ter orgulho disso". (José Octavio Dettmann)
" Platão já observava que a degradação moral da sociedade não chega ao seu ponto mais abjeto quando as virtudes desapareceram do cenário público, mas quando a própria capacidade de concebê-las se extinguiu nas almas da geração mais nova. " Citação de Olavo de Carvalho em "Virtudes nacionais".