Assembléia Legislativa do Rio de Janeiro concede Medalha Tiradentes a Olavo de Carvalho. Aqui.

terça-feira, 24 de março de 2009

Aquecimento que faz mais gelo? Claro, esta é a percepção de mundo dos sociopatas

Arctic Ice Grows 30 Per Cent In a Year 190808polar

Predictions of “ice free” summer for first time in history completely debunked

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Alarmist scientists who predicted that the North Pole could be “ice free” this summer as a result of global warming have been embarrassed after it was revealed that Arctic ice has actually grown by around 30 per cent in the year since August 2007.

Back in June, numerous prominent voices in the scientific community expressed fears of a mass melting of the polar ice caps, including David Barber, of the University of Manitoba, who toldNational Geographic Magazine, “We’re actually projecting this year that the North Pole may be free of ice for the first time [in history].”

“This summer’s forecast—and unusual early melting events all around the Arctic—serve as a dire warning of how quickly the polar regions are being affected by climate change,” adds the article.

In February, Dr. Olav Orheim, head of the Norwegian International Polar Year Secretariat, toldXinhua, “If Norway’s average temperature this year equals that in 2007, the ice cap in the Arctic will all melt away, which is highly possible judging from current conditions.”

As per usual, the reality has failed to match the hype of the climate doomsayers.

According to collated data from the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center and the University of Illinois, Arctic ice extent was 30 per cent greater on August 11, 2008 than it was on the August 12, 2007. This is a conservative estimate based on the map projection.

Arctic Ice Grows 30 Per Cent In a Year 190808ice
Blue pixels represent increased ice coverage over the North Pole in the year since August 2007.

The video below highlights the differences between those two dates,” reports The Register. “As you can see, ice has grown in nearly every direction since last summer - with a large increase in the area north of Siberia. Also note that the area around the Northwest Passage (west of Greenland) has seen a significant increase in ice. Some of the islands in the Canadian Archipelago are surrounded by more ice than they were during the summer of 1980.”

But what of the Antarctic down south? Figures tell us that ice coverage in the year since August 2007 has grown by nearly one million square kilometers.

As The Register article notes, “The Arctic did not experience the meltdowns forecast by NSIDC and the Norwegian Polar Year Secretariat. It didn’t even come close. Additionally, some current graphs and press releases from NSIDC seem less than conservative. There appears to be a consistent pattern of overstatement related to Arctic ice loss.”

A general cooling trend across the planet is now clearly apparent as sunspot activity, the main driver of climate change, dwindles to almost nothing.

As we reported last week, A top observatory that has been measuring sun cycles for over 200 years predicts that global temperatures will drop by two degrees over the next two decades as solar activity grinds to a halt and the planet drastically cools down, potentially heralding the onset of a new ice age.

While the mass media, Al Gore and politicized bodies like the IPCC scaremonger about the perils of global warming and demand the poor and middle class pay CO2 taxes, both hard scientific data and circumstantial evidence points to a clear cooling trend.

How man-made global warming advocates will spin this one remains to be seen - maybe they will just continue to adopt their current tactic by claiming that any geological or weather event whatsoever, be it hurricanes, earthquakes, droughts or floods, temperature increase or decrease, and even a 30 per cent growth of the polar ice cap - is a result of that evil life-giving gas that we exhale - CO2.

Research related articles:

  1. Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered
  2. Russia threatens to seize swathe of Arctic
  3. Arctic Sea Ice Melt Season Officially Over; ice up over 9% from last year
  4. Arctic Sees Massive Gain in Ice Coverage
  5. Are the ice caps melting?
  6. Arctic Sea Ice Increases at Record Rate
  7. OPINION: Anxiety Grows in Global Warming Alarmist Camp
  8. US mission to Arctic will lay claim to gas reserves
  9. Networks Wrong On Global Warming Again; Arctic Ice Still There
  10. Arctic time bomb set for 2020?
  11. Russia plots course in race for the Arctic
  12. WWF Resorts To Deception In Climate Fearmongering

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A teoria marxista da “ideologia de classe” não tem pé nem cabeça. Ou a ideologia do sujeito traduz necessariamente os interesses da classe a que ele pertence, ou ele está livre para tornar-se advogado de alguma outra classe. Na primeira hipótese, jamais surgiria um comunista entre os burgueses e Karl Marx jamais teria sido Karl Marx. Na segunda, não há vínculo entre a ideologia e a condição social do indivíduo e não há portanto ideologia de classe: há apenas a ideologia pessoal que cada um atribui à classe com que simpatiza, construindo depois, por mera inversão dessa fantasia, a suposta ideologia da classe adversária. Uma teoria que pode ser demolida em sete linhas não vale cinco, mas com base nela já se matou tanta gente, já se destruiu tanto patrimônio da humanidade e sobretudo já se gastou tanto dinheiro em subsídios universitários, que é preciso continuar a fingir que se acredita nela, para não admitir o vexame. Olavo de Carvalho, íntegra aqui.
"Para conseguir sua maturidade o homem necessita de um certo equilíbrio entre estas três coisas: talento, educação e experiência." (De civ Dei 11,25)
Cuidado com seus pensamentos: eles se transformam em palavras. Cuidado com suas palavras: elas se transformam em ação. Cuidado com suas ações: elas se transformam em hábitos. Cuidado com seus atos: eles moldam seu caráter.
Cuidado com seu caráter: ele controla seu destino.
A perversão da retórica, que falseia a lógica e os fatos para vencer o adversário em luta desleal, denomina-se erística. Se a retórica apenas simplifica e embeleza os argumentos para torná-los atraentes, a erística vai além: embeleza com falsos atrativos a falta de argumentos.
‎"O que me leva ao conservadorismo é a pesquisa e a investigação da realidade. Como eu não gosto de futebol, não gosto de pagode, não gosto de axé music, não gosto de carnaval, não fumo maconha e considero o PT ilegal, posso dizer que não me considero brasileiro - ao contrário da maioria desses estúpidos que conheço, que afirma ter orgulho disso". (José Octavio Dettmann)
" Platão já observava que a degradação moral da sociedade não chega ao seu ponto mais abjeto quando as virtudes desapareceram do cenário público, mas quando a própria capacidade de concebê-las se extinguiu nas almas da geração mais nova. " Citação de Olavo de Carvalho em "Virtudes nacionais".