Assembléia Legislativa do Rio de Janeiro concede Medalha Tiradentes a Olavo de Carvalho. Aqui.

quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2009

Olbermann: The New Edward Murrow?


Analysis posted Oct 25 2006, 11:30 PM

By Steve Watson

"Every act that denies or limits the freedom of the individual in this country costs us the. . . confidence of men and women who aspire to that freedom and independence of which we speak and for which our ancestors fought." 

Edward Murrow - 1954

It is no coincidence that Edward Murrow is the number one idol of Keith Olbermann. In these times of great upheaval there is really only one voice in the mainstream media that is speaking the truth and telling it the way it is.

The modern US media is owned and has always been owned by the corporations and big businesses that run America. So it is extremely rare when a figure of honesty and integrity in delivering the news rises to the top over corporate interests and censorship. One such figure was Edward Murrow, who always told it as it was and is most famed for his reports that helped lead to the censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy.

Whilst the Neocon lapdog apologists take pride in the fact that they take their orders directly from the White House, Olbermann, who tips his hat to Murrow by using his trademark "Good Night and Good Luck" tag line, continues to hit the ball out of the park with every special comment he makes.

While Olbermann is busy decrying the destruction of the Bill Of Rights and The Constitution, Bill O'Reilly is busyequating with terrorists those who question the President, then himself saying he would like to blow up bloggers with hand grenades. Hannity is busy telling Democrat voters to stay at home on election day then whining about how the media is conspiring to suppress Republican votes. And Limbaugh is spinning his own spin and calling us "Democrat kooks".


Keith Olbermann is a voice of reason, a shining beacon in a filthy media sea of corporate bootlickers. While the bootlickers without any consideration, and calling themselves "fair and balanced", associate any disagreement with the Neoconservative crime junta as being un-American, or somehow in league with "the terrorists", Keith Olbermann reports with refreshing integrity and speaks purely as a concerned American citizen, accountable to no political party or ideology.

Commenting on Olbermann's powerful special comment on the death of Habeas Corpus, Fox News exposers News Hounds commented:

"No, Olbermann was not speaking as a closet Democrat, as a Fox News commentator would speak as a closet Bush backer while claiming to be fair and balanced. Olbermann was not speaking as someone who coddles terrorists and wants them to "win." Olbermann was speaking as an American who values the freedoms and protections guaranteed by the Constitution and respected -- for the most part -- by previous presidents. And he did it with passion."

As Edward Murrow himself once said, it is a grave mistake to confuse dissent with disloyalty or deny the right of the individual to be wrong, unpopular, eccentric or unorthodox. The media has forgotten what it's role in society is supposed to be, or rather it's role has been irreversibly alerted by corporate acquisition and biased political interests.

Olbermann, appearing on C-SPAN, recently said: "There are people I know in the hierarchy of NBC, the company, and GE, the company, who do not like to see the current presidential administration criticized at all. ... There are people who I work for who would prefer, who would sleep much easier at night if this never happened. On the other hand, if they look at my ratings and my ratings are improved and there is criticism of the president of the United States, they're happy."

The cost of Olbermann's integrity and honesty has been personal attacks, both verbally and physically. Olbermann was recently sent hate letters packed with white powder. He called 911, and then went to the hospital so Doctors could confirm his health was not in danger.

The corporate controlled media proceeded to ATTACK Olbermann and laugh at him for reporting the incident and being concerned for his own well being. Imagine if this had happened to Bill O'Reilly, it would have been front page news for weeks, used endlessly as an excuse for the paranoid fueled rantings of Fox, which have recently included hyping up the deranged scribblings of two jokers in a chat room as huge terror threats.

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A teoria marxista da “ideologia de classe” não tem pé nem cabeça. Ou a ideologia do sujeito traduz necessariamente os interesses da classe a que ele pertence, ou ele está livre para tornar-se advogado de alguma outra classe. Na primeira hipótese, jamais surgiria um comunista entre os burgueses e Karl Marx jamais teria sido Karl Marx. Na segunda, não há vínculo entre a ideologia e a condição social do indivíduo e não há portanto ideologia de classe: há apenas a ideologia pessoal que cada um atribui à classe com que simpatiza, construindo depois, por mera inversão dessa fantasia, a suposta ideologia da classe adversária. Uma teoria que pode ser demolida em sete linhas não vale cinco, mas com base nela já se matou tanta gente, já se destruiu tanto patrimônio da humanidade e sobretudo já se gastou tanto dinheiro em subsídios universitários, que é preciso continuar a fingir que se acredita nela, para não admitir o vexame. Olavo de Carvalho, íntegra aqui.
"Para conseguir sua maturidade o homem necessita de um certo equilíbrio entre estas três coisas: talento, educação e experiência." (De civ Dei 11,25)
Cuidado com seus pensamentos: eles se transformam em palavras. Cuidado com suas palavras: elas se transformam em ação. Cuidado com suas ações: elas se transformam em hábitos. Cuidado com seus atos: eles moldam seu caráter.
Cuidado com seu caráter: ele controla seu destino.
A perversão da retórica, que falseia a lógica e os fatos para vencer o adversário em luta desleal, denomina-se erística. Se a retórica apenas simplifica e embeleza os argumentos para torná-los atraentes, a erística vai além: embeleza com falsos atrativos a falta de argumentos.
‎"O que me leva ao conservadorismo é a pesquisa e a investigação da realidade. Como eu não gosto de futebol, não gosto de pagode, não gosto de axé music, não gosto de carnaval, não fumo maconha e considero o PT ilegal, posso dizer que não me considero brasileiro - ao contrário da maioria desses estúpidos que conheço, que afirma ter orgulho disso". (José Octavio Dettmann)
" Platão já observava que a degradação moral da sociedade não chega ao seu ponto mais abjeto quando as virtudes desapareceram do cenário público, mas quando a própria capacidade de concebê-las se extinguiu nas almas da geração mais nova. " Citação de Olavo de Carvalho em "Virtudes nacionais".