Enviado por UnaVoceMiami em 07/04/2011
Cristiada is a chronicle of the Cristero War (1926-1929) in Mexico, a war provoked by the bloody persecution of the Catholic Faith by the country's corrupt, Liberal-Masonic regime.
The Masons attempted to de-Christianize the Mexican people through a brutal campaign of unjust laws, confiscation of Church temples and schools, and the outright murder of Catholics.
The media suppressed this war against the Catholic Faith in Mexico for decades. But at last, the atrocities committed by organized atheism against the Mexican people are now coming to light in this new film, based on a true story.
Please spread the word and remind everyone that for those of us who believe in Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church, ETERNITY IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR! Spread the word!
The Crusades, the 800-year-long Spanish Reconquista, the Battle of Lepanto, the Spanish Crusade against Communism of 1936, the Cristero Uprising are but a few historic examples of Catholic heroism, valor and epic spirit, the stuff of authentic heroes, saints and martyrs. History superbly proves it!
Viva Cristo Rey y Santa María de Guadalupe!
El mundo se prepara para ver en los cines la película mejicana más cara hasta el momento rodada en sus tierras: Cristiada.
Cristiada no es una película de corte político o religioso, sino un drama, basada en una historia real, que aborda los sentimientos de libertad de cualquier ser humano.
Join Una Voce Miami! Enjoy the video. Recommend it to your family and friends.
Courtesy of Una Voce Miami, POB 350372, Jose Marti Station, Miami, FL 33135-0372 // unavocemiami@aol.com
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