Material essencial

quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010

O amigo do lula que se pudesse votaria na dilma e o crack, a cocaína e o terrorismo internacionais. Ou Hugo Chávez, o cachorrinho vira-latas do FORO DE SÃO PAULO.

Vamos relembrar duas coisas que LULA disse no aniversário de 15 anos do FORO DE SÃO PAULO:

1 - ele, LULA, é um dos criadores do FORO DE SÃO PAULO e
2 - Hugo Chávez é cria do FORO DE SÃO PAULO (trecho abaixo)

"Foi assim que nós, em janeiro de 2003, propusemos ao nosso companheiro, presidente Chávez, a criação do Grupo de Amigos para encontrar uma solução tranqüila que, graças a Deus, aconteceu na Venezuela. E só foi possível graças a uma ação política de companheiros. Não era uma ação política de um Estado com outro Estado, ou de um presidente com outro presidente. Quem está lembrado, o Chávez participou de um(a das reuniões) dos foros (de São Paulo) que fizemos em Havana. E graças a essa relação foi possível construirmos, com muitas divergências políticas, a consolidação do que aconteceu na Venezuela, com o referendo que consagrou o Chávez como presidente da Venezuela."

A prova?


Vamos ao artigo e vídeo:

Smoking Gun Linking Chavez to Drug Smuggling?

Last month, I reported on the "Cocaine Connection" linking Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, Al Qaeda and Hezbollah (click play below to watch). Now one of the world's top drug kingpins may soon be telling U.S. prosecutors everything he knows about the Venezuelan government's complicity in the drug trade. Here's more from former State Department official Roger Noriega, who has been doing cutting-edge work on this issue:
Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez should be very troubled that a man whom President Obama has branded one of the world's most significant drug kingpins, Walid Makled-Garcia, may soon be telling U.S. federal prosecutors everything he knows about senior Venezuelan officials who have abetted his cocaine smuggling operations. Makled-Garcia's devastating testimony comes on the heels of fresh evidence of Chávez's support for terrorist groups from Spain, Colombia, and the Middle East and his apparent illegal support for Iran's nuclear weapons program. Slowly but surely, Chávez is being unmasked as a mastermind of a criminal regime...

Based on the U.S. indictment, Colombian authorities arrested Makled-Garcia on August 18, and are currently considering a U.S. extradition request for the notorious suspect. In the meantime, in a jailhouse interview with Colombia's RCN TV last week, Makled-Garcia said he has enough evidence of high-level drug corruption—including videos and bank records—"for the U.S. to intervene and invade Venezuela, as with [Manuel Antonio] Noriega in Panama."
Chávez pleaded with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos to send the Venezuelan detainee home, where he would no doubt be silenced by Chavista police and judges.
"I gave money to 15 Venezuelan generals," the 41-year-old prisoner told RCN. "If I am arrested for a DC-9 loaded with drugs from the Simon Bolivar Airport, general Hugo Carvajal [director of Venezuela military intelligence], general Henry Rangel Silva [head of internal intelligence], general Luis Mota [commander of the national guard], and general Nestor Reveron [head of the anti-drug office] should be going to jail for that very reason."
In an interview last month with the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional, Makled-Garcia said, "As evidence of what I'm saying, I have vouchers, account numbers where I have deposited money in the name of wives, brothers and sisters" of "ministers, generals, admirals, colonels and five deputies of the National Assembly."

What will be the Obama administration's response to all this? Expect more carrots and no sticks, sadly.

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