Material essencial

segunda-feira, 10 de maio de 2010

As Alterações Climáticas secretas


sábado, 8 de Maio de 2010

Descobri na net um documento já do ano passado, mas que nos dá que pensar. A CIA, essa mesma, elaborou um documento em 1974 sobre as alterações climáticas. O sumário inicial não deixa dúvidas sobre o resto do documento:

The western world’s leading climatologists have confirmed recent reports of a detrimental global climate change. The stability of most nations is based on a dependable source of food, but this stability will not be possible under this new climate era. A forecast by the University of Wisconsin projects that the Earth's climate is returning to that of the neo-boreal era (1600-1850) - an era of drought, famine, and political unrest in the western world.

É claro que a previsão foi errada. Mas a análise que o documento faz, até em termos históricos, é que é a parte mais interessante. Ficamos a saber que o Aquecimento Global até nos traz paz e sossego, porque a alimentação dos povos está assegurada:

Climate has not been a prime consideration of Intelligence analysis because, until recently, it has not caused any significant perturbations to the status of major nations. This is so because during 50 of the last '60 years the Earth has, on the average, enjoyed the best agricultural climate since the eleventh century. An early twentieth century world food surplus hindered U.S. efforts to maintain and equalize farm production and incomes. Climate and its affect on world food production was considered to be only a minor factor not worth consideration in the complicated equation of country assessment. Food production, to meet the growing demands of a geometrically expanding world population, was always considered to be a question of matching technology and science to the problem.

E eles até reconhecem uma das receitas para o sucesso de nós, Portugueses, há mais de 500 anos atrás. Deve ser o primeiro documento de Americanos onde vejo esta verdade, tão pouco conhecida, exposta:

The governments and people of northern Europe once struggled to survive in an environment of persistent crop failure and declining population. On the other hand, Spain, Portugal, and Italy enjoyed a golden age. Their climate assured them of a reliable base for food production. The German states, Russia, the other Slavic nations, and to a certain extent even England and France, lived in the twilight of permanent winter.

O documento é extraordinário. Recomendo a sua leitura integral, para aqueles que pensam que o Aquecimento Global é mau. Eu, depois de ler as desgraças advindas do Arrefecimento Global, quero é calorzinho!

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