Material essencial

quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2009

NOVA ORDEM MUNDIAL - Iron Mountain: Blue Print for Tyranny


Cavaleiro do Templo: vejam o filme todo, especialmente a partir dos 40 minutos (mais ou menos do quarto vídeo em diante, são catorze no total, 10 minutos em média para cada) começa a parte que explica Copenhague e toooddoooo o movimento "ecológico" das últimas décadas. Até aparece o nome do canalha do Al Gore nos primórdios de sua empreitada em favor de nossa escravização.

"Iron Mountain: Blue Print for Tyranny"

"Report from IRON MOUNTAIN" is a secret study by 15 reseachers ordered by JFK in 1961, Lyndon Johnsen received the report in 1966, and kept it silent as bottom drawer material. In 1967 one of the researchers who called himself "John Doe" published it, and the media denounced it as a Hoax.... BUT...

Never before has a Hoax, "REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN ON THE POSSIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY OF PEACE", developed into a accurate description of the factual plans which are layed out before us, day by day.

Iron Mountain is a report created by 15 experts in their field about the problem of how geopolitical strategies must be changed and adapted in order to stay and maintain a successfull global governance, without the need to wage wars.

The general conclusion of this report is that at the time of writing, the 1960's, the trend to global disarmament was started, the USA would have to fall under the United Nations, U.N. and obey them. All souvereign nations borders will disappear, the army's of the USA and USSR will be vanished, a new army, the U.N. global army will take over, next to a new global federal police.

Humanism will become the new theocracy... the old world religions will only be accessable inside museums.

This movie is part of the collection: Open Source Movies

Director: Artificial Shortage
Producer: A Adams
Production Company: Best Video Productions
Audio/Visual: sound, color
Language: English

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