I’m not very good at being hustled and rushed into insane situations. I like to think for myself. Which is why I originally began to investigate the fast-rising green movement. Only a while ago, greenies were people with woollen hats, gumboots and long hair. They hugged trees, drooled over flowers, and generally messed about on the very edge of polite society. They were on the fringe, like weird cults and folks who love to be frightened by conspiracies.
Now, in the space of less than a decade, these same weird people have become the major, if not only, force driving society in every country in the West, though what they say is really insane and off the wall! Why is this? Why have the inmates taken over the asylum? And why do people follow?
Green Hotels
For the past few years I have enjoyed a sideline, writing about hotels and tourism destinations for the industry. I quickly found out that hotels were suddenly ‘going green’ and wondered what was going on. I discovered that hotels, always watching the bottom-line, latched-on to the green movement immediately following the release of Al Gore’s infamous film, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’.
At the same time, the UK and US governments were harassing citizens to ‘act fast’, ‘do it now’ before ‘it is too late’! Suspicious, I began to look deeper. I used to teach research methodology; and now my whole day is spent on research. That is how I recognised the tell-take signs of propaganda. What I was hearing wasn’t science, but pseudo-science. The words gave it all away… general terms of supposed certainty were built upon guesswork and absurdity. Indeed, what was being said was so absurd, I could not believe that intelligent leaders of industry or thinking people could possibly fall for the hype. But they did, big time.
It was more profitable for hotels to rebuild their premises along ‘green’ lines, at a cost of millions, than to remain as they were, giving good service. Now, the same hotels, riding on the wave of green, rake in massive money just for pretending to be environmentally friendly. If the next fashion turned out to be the exact opposite, the hotels would change again, because they care about profit, not green.
But, it is going well beyond mere profiteering. Now, supposedly ‘green’ hotels will not do business with suppliers who do not themselves become green. Hotels and suppliers must now pass a pseudo-test to obtain a licence proving they have reached green standards… like teenagers who do something stupid to become a member of an insignificant gang. And people who have been duped by environmentalism pay big bucks to stay at these havens of Gaia.
No, I am not quite telling the truth – most people who follow the green mantra do it because it is the latest ‘in thing’; it is fashionable to ‘save the planet’ even when they know nothing about what green is talking about. (In my book, I relate how two famed TV magicians sent a girl to a greenie festival. She got attendees, and even the organiser, to sign a petition against an awful liquid found everywhere on the planet. What they signed was a petition to get rid of ordinary water, but it was disguised by its scientific name! That’s how much greenies know about their own movement! The event was filmed – follow the link in the book – it is hilarious).
When I pointed out that when hotels go green they are not environmentalists at all, but simply practising good management, the dogs of war were unleashed and irate greenists wanted my articles to be erased from all of humanity for all time! The underbelly of green is fascist, you see. And even the best of scientists simply assume green ‘science’ is genuine, without checking the facts; lemmings chasing lemmings.
What’s Going On?
That was just the start. I never give in to threats and blackmail, and decided to do more research, this time on a wider scale. That was when the really interesting stuff came out!
As far as the public is concerned a number of things are going on that have no apparent link. The trouble is, they are ALL linked. For example, the so-called ‘credit crunch’ came along, when banks failed. At the same time, costs of electricity, natural gas, and oil rose dramatically. At the beginning of this year, my household gas and electricity bill shot up to over £600 for just three months. The bill before that was just over £100! Same supplier, same energy. Plenty of oil, coal and gas in the ground, with no shortages!
Blame for bank failures was put on the shoulders of banks themselves. This was fair… but how many people know why the banks got to that position? (No, I’m not talking about those TV programs that came up with superficial answers). We know bankers are greedy and unscrupulous… but that isn’t why they failed.
Both the Democrats in the USA and the Labour Party in Britain are outright socialistic. So are most governments in Europe, and that is how the EU gets its own way. Obama is the epitome of Marxist pride. So, his running-mates, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair (egged-on by the French tin-pot dictator, Sarkozy), are well suited to each other. Each is a consummate liar intent on ruining their respective countries. The one thing that alerted me to all three’s danger to the public is their glaringly obvious arrogance. It comes from knowing they will get away with it, because a great lumbering socialist machine is behind their every move.
Clever Brown
In Britain, ten years ago, Brown thought he was being clever. He gave personal assurances to a new breed of venture capitalists (they have a variety of namesnowadays) that they would not be taxed if they kept business in the UK. So, they went ahead and borrowed massive amounts of money, running into billions. Because Brown had stupidly okayed it all, big banks simply agreed money over the telephone, with no guarantees whatever!
Very soon the banks had massive unpaid debts based on giving to venture capitalists. These were called ‘toxic debts’ by Brown last year, who blamed it all on ordinary folks who were now unable to pay their mortgages because they had lost their jobs (because of his taxation used to pay for green policies and to give billions to the EU’s wothless green plans). In other words, he was transferring blame from banks to the tax-payer, but the real blame was with himself for being so fiscally stupid. This, though, was covered-up by sympathetic journalists.
The venture capitalists (now joined by Al Gore by the way) freely bought and sold huge, household name, established companies, but the effect was catastrophic. All they did was strip the companies of their assets, to sell them off on the open market, keeping the difference for themselves. This involved making thousands and thousands unemployed and closing down premises. Then they sold the companies on as ‘profitable’, lean and hungry. Unfortunately, they also ran into trouble. That is why there was a ‘credit crunch’ and that is why those who are most vulnerable – ordinary taxpayers – had to bear the brunt through even greater taxation. Meanwhile Brown and MPs voted themselves even higher salaries, pretending they are ‘professionals’… such as bankers! Hm.
To pay for windpower schemes and other unfeasible power generation, Brown then told the power companies to charge higher prices to customers, most of whom are at breaking-point anyway through personal taxation. The money could then be used to research and build wind and alternative power grids. Yeah, right!
That these schemes actually do not deliver the goods does not bother Brown or Blair. Meanwhile, a people made poorer by increasing taxation on all sides cannot afford to buy electricity and gas to heat their homes; small businesses are priced out of the market; costs of UK goods rise dramatically to compensate for ridiculously high taxes. This is all to do with forcing green policies onto an enfeebled country. Obama is doing exactly the same in the USA, costing the people trillions in 2009 alone, not counting loss of jobs and security.
Airlines are adding carbon charges to their flights. This is just another form of taxation. Local councils are adding ‘green’ taxes to already exorbitant council taxes. Car fuel prices have risen sharply and will continue to do so, even though there is more oil in the ground than can be used over the next 500 years!
Then we have a double-attack on our freedoms from the UN and the EU. Between them they are destroying all vestiges of freedom and imposing draconian laws and demands on a people who have no idea what is going on. So, what IS going on? That is simple to answer – the socialistic take-over of the world, using environmentalism as a front-man, a bit like getting Al Capone to ‘persuade’ shopkeepers they needed protection… from himself!
The Reality Behind Green
Al Gore and his sycophants (includes nearly all Democrats, Pelosi, state governors, big business, and Obama) huddle together to make mighty money at our expense. Behind the whole charade, as always, is money and power.
Gore and his pals hate it when that rare breed, a free press, accuse him of being a Nazi. But, as I have discovered in my researches, Al Gore is true-brownshirt-Fascist. Yet, he is also true-red-flag Marxist! How can this be?
Both can exist at the same time because both are from the same family - socialism. One concentrates on national domination, and the other concentrates on the world. So, there is no real difference between the two. They are just two sides of the same socialist coin. And both are playing their hand at the same time. This is why Obama turned down an invite to attend celebrations that the Berlin Wall came down. He doesn’t want freedom – he only wants to impose Marxism full-blast! That socialism has failed every time it has been imposed on slave-like people, is irrelevant. What matters is the power a socialist state gives to leaders. And if that state is worldwide, it is absolute power.
Environmentalism began in the 1800s. Idealistic Germans put on their leather short pants and ventured up mountains and down into vales, extolling the virtues of the simple peasant life, calling for a return to it. Early Marxists did the same thing. Today, the same stupid idea is reflected in the fast-growing ‘Transition Town’ movement, with bases in the USA and the UK. They want to literally go back to medieval days of self-sufficiency. I have pointed out that if they knew anything about medieval days, they would know that the last thing peasants wanted was to live as they did! They were starving, extremely poor, died young, and had a variety if ailments. Ask them if they would like to live as peasants! Significantly the Transition Town movement in the UK has been adopted by subversive Marxist organisations to front their activities… which include those much-publicised blocking of airports under the guise of environmental issues. Some honest organisers admitted it had nothing to do with green issues, but with underlying advancement of Marxism.
Both Stalin and Hitler majored on environmentalism (until their money ran out – then they siphoned it all into military campaigns. So, be warned). Now, these same shadowy figures from the past have re-emerged in the current green movement.
You might think I am inventing things just to get my point across. Look in my book (‘The Global Green Agenda’) and you will find I am giving you the sobre and chilling truth. The Sierra Club, friend of extreme greens and Gore, is a leading campaigner against the whole world. I give examples of its extreme position, which includes genocide. If you think I am being extreme myself, then look for yourself. Prince Philip, husband of the Queen of England, says similar things. So do all leading environmentalists – they want world population to go down by four fifths!! How do you think this can be done? Easy – let them starve. Kill them in local wars – the UN is very good at that. Make sure their vital foods and goods to bring in income do not reach the West (because of the carbon it takes to convey them), and so on. Genocide is part of the UN Charter. The EU has admitted that its ‘green’ policies have already killed thousands in undeveloped countries.
Copenhagen and Other Lying Tactics
The coming Copenhagen Summit is all about fixing the fate of the world in stone. Or, to put it more aptly, tying one’s legs to a concrete block before throwing you into the river.
Obama has already promised to hand over the USA to the UN, for heavy taxing and overt imposition of UN laws. Both Obama and Tony Blair are waiting to drive citizens hard into the arms of Marxis-Fascist rule. Once this is achieved – and it won’t be long – the rest of the world can wait with bated breath as they are subsumed into the greater Marxist-Fascist world order. Brown has already talked about it and Obama has agreed to it. Sarkozy, Napoleon’s son, strides the EU like a totalitarian dictator… because that is what he is. And even the hapless president of the Czech Republic has recently, sadly, caved in to EU domination of Europe, which includes the things he hates the most – green policies and communistic laws that ruin freedom and democracy.
Many of the world’s leaders are now very nasty pieces of work. Even opposition party leaders are marrying into green advocacy, because they know this is the way everything is going. Vote for whoever you like – it won’t make much difference. Even so, we must stand against this tyranny.
Save the World? Marketing Drivel!
Everything we see happening is the result of overwhelming Marxist-Fascist machinations to bring about world rule. ‘Saving the World’ is just a cute marketing ploy used to hide the reality of political violence against the people. The tools of Marxism-Fascism include loss of freedoms – which is why most western countries are now snowed-under by PC laws and demands; loss of choice of energy supplies and types; genocide, especially of Third World peoples – hence the refusal of greens to allow Africa to use coal and gas; increasingly crippling taxation (The UK has over 20 different taxes paid by every soul, and more are on the way); enforced acceptance of sexual lifestyles once known to be horrendous and dangerous; the dumbing-down of intellect, which is why students can no longer speak truth or seek it; loss of work for any who fight the system (I know!); reduced industrial life and output; enforced anti-CO2 laws for no reason, and so on.
So, what some think are disparate and unlinked elements, are actually all signs and symptoms of a well-planned communist-fascist takeover of the world, beginning with the West. This is what the history of the green movement, right up to now, reveals.
Pseudo-Science and Paganism
The whole movement is being pushed as a need for ‘security’. What nonsense! The UK has never been so threatened since the EU demanded that it take in any and all immigrants. Why? Because, by mixing all races together, claims to national pride will disappear. By mixing, no one nation can say it is truly a nation. But, the price is an invasion of Muslim terrorists, inter-racial tensions, violence, massive loss of taxation used to give state benefits immigrants who enter the UK without jobs (and so the need for even more taxation of British workers). This, however, does not matter to the politicians, who have already divided up Europe into smaller regions. No countries, just regions, of a mighty EU state.
The UN is also about mixing nationals. That is why both the UK and US governments are removing all boundaries, allowing illegal immigrants to flood both countries, destroying their economic bases, social cohesion, religious freedom and ability to live a decent life. Now, the immigrants demand obedience to their religions and politics!
Massive money is being paid out to countries that have no real income of their own, because this is big-scale communism at work, ‘redistributing wealth’! That is, hedonistic and terroristic world leaders drain their own countries dry by taking all the money for themselves. They then get huge money from the UN et al, for nothing. The people remain poor and dying and the leaders rake it in. And imposition of green policies means they can never rise above the mud. Note how the UN’s Secretary general paid out billions to Iraq. Guess who took most of the money? The Secretary General’s son and Saddam Hussein! This ties-in with the aims of the totalitarian, Marxist UN.
Pseudo-Science, the Fall Guy
The front for all this is pseudo-science, the supposed science of environmentalism. That is, tree-huggers are trying to make their insanity into a living, breathing system! Only it doesn’t work. If we truly had windpower turbines to provide every amount of electricity needed, the planet would look like a pin-cushion… or, more accurately, an ugly prison! So many turbines are needed that the oceans around every coastal country would bristle like brushes, and available green areas on land would be covered with these whooshing, gargantuan, Martian-like invaders. But, even if we had enough in number, they still need wind. No wind – no power. And only certain kinds of wind can be accepted – too high and the turbines will explode and fracture, sending bits flying around the countryside like mortar shells!
As for sun power, no home can expect to get back what it pays for solar-powered panels in the owner’s lifetime! In other words, what you pay out for equipment may as well be used to remain as you are, with fossil fuels. Yet, the British government is so eager to bamboozle the public, it is now vastly increasing its ‘green’ advertising on TV, deliberately targeting kids with frightening tales of dark black clouds of CO2 (though it is invisible), pet puppies drowning in a fast-rising sea outside their own homes, and scary storms. Needless to say I have (again) complained bitterly to the advertising watchdogs… but I know little will be done.
Over 32,000 scientists signed the Oregon Petition. 160 physicists recently wrote to every US Congressman, blatantly telling them that global warming is a farce. There is even a counter-IPCC, such is the lying deception of the UN body that causes all the trouble. There is no global warming. In fact, even when it was said to be rampant, warming figures only applied to the northern hemisphere anyway! And, of course, there has been cooling for the past ten years! Climate changes are within normal ranges. CO2 is not a pollutant, and claims that humans create too much is absurd. There is no science to support such claims, only political agendas. And the ‘greenhouse effect’ is built on a fairy-tale story that the world is covered with a greenhouse-type cover! Seriously! Why not go back to ancient Jewish stories, that the world was covered by an iron dome?
The various theories supposed to ‘prove’ green science have been debunked, time and again – but the media refuse to publish this fact. Scientists who rely on government funding refuse to act properly and rationally, preferring to be dupes so long as they keep getting their salaries. But, more and more of them have had enough and are speaking out, including IPCC scientists.
The biggest problem, however, is the intransigency of the media, who love a good doom story! That is why they ignored the debunking of Mann’s ‘hockey stick’. In fact, it was represented a second time by Mann, and again debunked! Basically, he ignored basic history and also tried to mix actual and proxy measurements. Any researcher knows that you can only compare like with like. You can’t have actual temperature measurements (with thermometers) mixed with proxy (such as tree rings). It doesn’t work! Yet, this kind of scientific claptrap goes on all the time.
As for carbon trading, well… how do you describe what is absolute deception? The buying and selling of carbon units is nothing but a money scam. It makes carbon traders and investors very rich and the rest of us poorer. It makes no difference at all to the amount of carbon doing supposedly evil things to mother earth. So, what’s the point? Ask Gore and pals! They have already been made super-rich by everything green. I explain more about this in the book.
One of the best bits of sleight-of-hand is the ‘new capitalism’ being foisted on us by greens. It is nothing but the old capitalism under a new name! Even socialists must concede that the world goes round with money, because money pays for everything, including the salaries and profits of greens. So, they’ve fiddled and doodled on the backs of cigarette packets in academic common rooms and come up with a drunken version of capitalism. Well, really, it is just socialism with cash attached… only socialists don’t like to admit they are just as greedy as British MPs, so they avoid use of as many capitalist terms as possible. But, as Russian moguls discovered, they know that they can’t get rid of capitalistic enterprise, because it pays for their opulent lifestyles and plans – hence ‘new capitalism’ with socialist words thrown in to make Marxists happier.
Where’s Truth?
Lord Monkton put the cat amongst the pigeons, when he gave a talk at Bethel College, London, on October 14th. He is a special target of the greens, who mercilessly attack him for not bowing to their pagan whims. He read the wording of the coming Copenhagen Climate Treaty, which is something few have done. And he told the world what it contained.
The Treaty aims to regulate (that means ‘totally control’) economic activity under the guise of ‘climate security’. I ask the question: how do you secure climate, which changes as it will, whenever it pleases? Part of this ‘security’ is to give undeveloped countries billions for no reason. The obvious effect of this will be to induce a continuous and growing taxation for the purpose, forced upon people in the West.
A global carbon budget is planned to stop carbon affecting global warming – even though there has been no warming for ten years, and carbon does not affect temperature of the world anyway!
Now, remember I was talking about apparently diverse things happening with no obvious link? This is where those strands are all being pulled together, for the Treaty would have governing bodies that will have the legal right to control production and sale of manufacturing, mining, transportation, travel, energy, agriculture and anything that emits carbon – just about everything. Now, look at Solzhenitsyn’s ‘Gulag’ series (Yes, I actually read all three volumes of this mighty work). It describes in detail how communism works (or, rather, does not work), and it is a mirror-image of the proposed Treaty laws!
Then look at the UN’s ‘Treaty of the Sea’, which is standing in the wings until Obama has handed his country over to this evil Marxist group. It describes exactly the same kinds of control. Interestingly, even for those who have no interest whatever in religion, the Christian Bible prophesies exactly this kind of thing happening, where life and death, who will eat and who will starve, will be controlled by a world government. The EU is but a minion that will serve the aims of the UN.
Then look at what arrogant Tony Blair did to Britain, and what Gordon Brown is perpetuating. See how Obama and Europe are doing the same things. Look at how China, whose communist businessmen are quietly buying up large companies worldwide, is becoming a prominent force. Observe the multitude of socialist projects and regimes sprouting throughout the world. Then you will see that the strands are not loose or unconnected. They have been kept apart so that the world does not see the iron fist of Marxist-Fascism until it hits them in the face!
What we have is a raw scramble for power. ‘Saving the planet’ is a farce, unattainable and unscientific. What is really coming is a one-world government… half of it, the West, is nearly there. This involves removing individual freedom; loss of voice before rulers; imposition of immorality by ‘protecting’ what is immoral and promoting it in schools; increasing and crippling taxation; loss of choice of energy; abominable PC laws that cripple intellectual progress, truth and morality; removal of Christianity – essential to Gore’s and Obama’s plans, and the ‘re-educating’ of society towards paganism via Gaia worship and all things mystical; a world rule over finances and availability of money; reduction of industries; globalisation of people and things; totalitarian political power, and more. Saving the planet is on the lowest floor of this tower of Babel and does not feature in the full plan, because it is more about fairy-tales than reality.
As for the sea rising uncontrollably – that’s a lie. Those South Sea Islanders who fled their island that was submerged (according to Gore’s film)… the New Zealand government issued a note to say it was false – Gore lied; the islanders are still on their island! Carbon causes temperature to rise? No, temperature rise precedes carbon rise! And, carbon in the atmosphere has a very short half-life anyway – what was there ten years ago is gone, replaced by fresh CO2! Better than that, the more CO2 increases, the faster it disappears! Everything in Gore’s film was proved to be a lie, by a UK Court. Yet, his ideas rumble on, and governments don’t care, so long as they get their power. This takes deliberate deception and continuous propaganda.
All of this is NOT news to the people, because the media refuses to pass it on! The media is now so besotted with mighty Obama - who has yet to show his mettle as a serious politician, but who has already proved he can lie and deceive – they approve of him pushing his green laws through Congress without a reading, or approval by the people. His rule is as ‘transparent’ as a lead coffin! This has noting to do with his racial background – it’s to do with his gross Marxism ruining the USA.
Beat the System!
Marxism and Fascism are solidifying everywhere, and gains momentum over relatively short periods of time. That is why we MUST, as a priority, stop the current race towards our own obliteration by politicians, none of whom will lose out when this insanity becomes our task-master. How? We do it by constantly organising groups to voice our displeasure (before Obama and others put a stop to it). We do it by passing on articles like this, and by expert such as Tim Ball, to as many people as we can, from friends to politicians, council leaders to businesses, churches to schools. Tell everyone! Do not give to green causes… which, it may surprise you to know, include the WWF, PETA, and other animal care groups. It also includes charities such as Oxfam, who carry on dubious green work under different guises, such as giving goats to poor African villages that actually ruin their farm crops! And don’t support ‘Transition Town’ schemes. Do not vote-in politicians and parties that are ardently green; tell them you want none of it. Write to hotels that are green and complain they are only making things worse. Do the same whenever ‘green’ emerges… and write to your political leaders, newspapers, radio and TV stations… until the weight of public opinion takes over. You can even hold local meetings for anti-greens.
I am not calling for the same fascist techniques used by our leaders, but simply to open-up everything to debate and honest science. The fact that they refuse to allow it proves just how bogus their claims and aims really are. Genuine science invites falsification and discussion. It doesn’t batten down the hatches to hide the cargo.
‘The Global Green Agenda’, Barry Napier. Published, Petra Press, 2009.
Foreword by Dr Tim Ball.
ISBN 978-0-9559908-1-6 Available Amazon and book stores.
‘The Global Green Agenda’, Barry Napier. Published, Petra Press, 2009.
Foreword by Dr Tim Ball.
ISBN 978-0-9559908-1-6 Available Amazon and book stores.
For other anti-green books by Barry Napier contact the author:barry.napier@ntlworld.com
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