Material essencial

quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2009

Foundation for Investigation of the Communist Crimes


The purpose of the Foundation for the Investigation of Communist Crimes is to diffuse knowledge and increase international understanding of the crimes against humanity committed by violent communist regimes across the globe in different times. The goal of the Foundation is to dismiss once and  for all a shockingly common and ubiquitous illusion that any ‘semi-good’ violent regimes – yet based on the violation of human rights, torture and constant threat on life – ever existed or could exist.

Communist crimes need to be understood globally, and they must be condemned the same way Nazi crimes were. In pursuing its mission, the Foundation gathers data regarding Communist crimes and Red terror across the world, provides grants for scholarly research, disseminates information globally via modern communication channels, and supports experts advising the last remaining communist regimes in their transformation to democracies.

Click HERE

2 comentários:

  1. Cavaleiro, mais sites interessantes

    Abraços, Super Patriota

  2. Muito bom, obrigado pelas dicas.

    Cavaleiro do Templo


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Cavaleiro do Templo