Material essencial

sexta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2009

Ééééé... Já vai sair filme expondo o LULA americano

Super Obama


Now that the establishment has anointed and installed Barack Obama as president and the corporate media has heaped effusive praise upon this banker vetted front man, it is time for a documentary to reveal the real agenda behind the man billed as our savior and messiah. Alex Jones' The Obama Deception is just such a documentary. It reveals in the concise and hard-hitting fashion Jones is now legendary for the real agenda behind the Barack Obama administration.

In a non-partisan, no punches pulled way Alex reveals how Obama is a bought and paid for creature of the bankers and the New World Order, a puppet for the controllers on Wall Street, inside the secretive Bilderberg Group, and the Federal Reserve. He exposes how Obama represents a continuation of the same globalist policies carried out under the George Bush, Clinton, and Bush senior administrations.

On The Obama Deception website you will find a high quality trailer of the documentary and numerous links to articles exposing the real agenda behind Obama at the behest of the New World Order. Please help spread the word about this powerful new film. Make sure everyone you know whether they claim to be a Democrat, Republican, independent or none of the above sees this film before it is too late.

The Obama Deception hits DVD on March 15.

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Cavaleiro do Templo