Material essencial

sexta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2008

Mais um processo cível contra Obama

Sábado, 15 de Novembro de 2008

Alan Keyes

Alan Keyes

O embaixador americano Alan Keyes processou Barack Obama e Joe Biden, tendo como base a recusa de Obama em apresentar os documentos que o legitimem como “cidadão nascido nos Estados Unidos”, por forma a poder exercer o cargo de Presidente.

"There is a reasonable and common expectation by the voters that to qualify for the ballot, the individuals running for office must meet minimum qualifications as outlined in the federal and state Constitutions and statutes, and that compliance with those minimum qualifications has been confirmed by the officials overseeing the election process. Heretofore, only a signed statement from the candidate attesting to his or her meeting those qualifications was requested and received by SOS, with no verification demanded. This practice represents a much lower standard than that demanded of one when requesting a California driver’s license. Since SOS has, as its core, the mission of certifying and establishing the validity of the election process, this writ seeks a Court Order barring SOS from certifying the California Electors until documentary proof that Senator Obama is a “natural born” citizen of the United States of America is received by her. This proof could include items such as his original birth certificate, showing the name of the hospital and the name and the signature of the doctor, all of his passports with immigration stamps, and verification from the governments where the candidate has resided, verifying that he did not, and does not, hold citizenship of these countries, and any other documents that certify an individual’s citizenship and/or qualification for office.”

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